My first wedding
My First Big Girl Wedding
I hadn't been so excited about anything in quite a while, so for me this wedding was the event of the year. Being able to see one of my best friends was the highlight rather than the actual wedding itself. It is crazy to think that it was only a few years back that we graduated high school and now everyone's out on their own either studying, working or doing both.
It was a three day event for me since I had to flight to another city for the wedding and trust me when I say I am going to cherish those three days for the rest of my life. I hadn't met such beautiful people in quite a while. Everyone was so warm and caring, it made me feel right at home. At first, upon receiving the invite, I was quite in shock mostly because of how young they are, but when you see just how much two people can love each other there is definitely no age limit.
I had so much fun and cheated my diet throughout the whole trip, but I wasn't going to lay low on anything. Unfortunately, there comes a time when all good things may come to an end and for me that was going home. There is no other way to put it into words other than, it sucked! I had a hangover throughout the whole flight, complements of the 10 margaritas I had the night before, but other than that I will never be grateful enough for all the wonderful people I met that made this trip wonderful.
Valeria <3
PS if you'd like to check out a few shots random shots from the wedding head over to my behance
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